Photography Tips
Take your time
Hold the phone/camera steady - use tripod or lean against something
Take lots of photos to choose from
Turn the flash off and work with available light
Turn the flash on and compare
Set resolution to High
Tag your favourites to find easily later
Set the images to 300dpi for print
Try not to Zoom in - walk up instead
Don't shoot into the light
Look for contrasting backgrounds
Photograph handwritten messages, feedback, & letters to use rather than typing text on the image
Watch the edges (overlaps between foreground and background, figures, objects)
Create a narrative by joining key elements
Law of Thirds - 9 squares
Frame within a frame (looking through a window or doorway or legs, even)
Geometry, such as the Golden Angle
Cropping to eliminate noise of those who haven't given permission to have their photo taken.
Negative space (especially helpful for adding text later)
Leading Lines/Diagonals to take the viewer's eye in and around the picture
Event Coverage
Details (such as the trophy)
Establishing Shot (to show the scale of the event)
Human Relationship (such as showing the fun or surprise)
Key Moments
The Portrait - Star attendees
Photo the volunteers
Branding - logos on podiums, signage
Sponsors' Branding
Wild Card photos
Coverage (ask others to add their shots to the storage space)
Make Portrait styles consistent
Photograph figurehead for press
Have the pose be on a slight angle rather than head on